Sunday, September 15, 2019

So much and so little to update

The months of July and August went somewhere. I'm not exactly sure how they went into the past so quickly, but they are gone. We are now well into the wonderful month of September! While normally this would be wonderful with cooling temperatures and some rainy weather sprinkled through, I live in the south where the weather is steady at a high of 99 F and humidity of over 50%. It is miserable.

But you are not here for us to talk about the weather. You want an update so here we go:

I am working on passing Econ in the next few days. Just have to stay on task. Then it is capstone and I'm outta here! Graduation here I come.  
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While I'm working away at that we are desperately trying to find balance and routines in the family. There has been a lot of movement in this area and I'm looking forward to sharing all of it very soon. 

Kids are back in school and love their teachers.

Now that we are into week two of all the kiddos being in school and I am almost done with the last test of my grad school program I am getting ready to go with getting work in, cleaning our house, and developing Beam Creations.

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Watch out for posts soon including

  • Our Grand Summer Adventure!
  • Finding Our Swing Step.
  • Wait, You Are Doing What Now?
And a big announcement coming at the end of September!

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