Saturday, April 29, 2017

Back to the world I love

So, about five years ago I was a new wife and a new mom with a grand idea. I was going to do something with my business acumen and love of crafts. I wanted to start blogging, writing my own patterns for crochet, sell my crochet items, and help other people sell theirs. I had this initial fire that I was going to start a blog, register my new business name on all of the sites, crochet in my off time, and make a go of this.  Then reality got to me. I was new at everything. I didn't really have any routines down, and I didn't make any concrete ones as I was floundering along. So what is the first thing to go? Oh yeah, that grand idea. Not that I wanted to let it go but, I had a baby, I was working part time, I had a husband (who just so happened worked about 70 hours a week), and I had no idea what I was really doing. 
Now fast forward five years. Add two new babies, and a few moves across the country and a handful of jobs that did not make my heart sing and here we are back to Beam Creations. I had laid the ground work for such a thing years ago, but couldn't make it go. Now, I know better. I know to ask questions, ask for help, and also take things slowly. I may not ever make this a business that pays all my bills, but I am going to take up Beam Creations and make it my own. 
What is Beam Creations?
Beam is easy, I entered the Beam family in April of 2011. We are the Baby Beams. 
We are a crazy out of control bunch.
Hubby, Scoshi, Bit, Firefly and Me.
As for Creations, well, that would be life. Creations can be anything from the crafts the kids or myself are trying to do, the crochet patterns I am developing, the photography I love, the food I am attempting to feed my family with, our hopeless gardening attempts, or our family adventures we thrive on. 

I look forward to sharing our family's adventures and creations as we figure all of this out.  

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